I Am The Messenger
Image Source: GGWO.org
Embarking on my spiritual journey, I found myself grappling with the fundamental mechanisms governing our existence. One thought that kept me questioning how our world functions is the contradiction between the concept of free will and destiny.
It seemed incongruous to me that while we assert our autonomy through free will, we simultaneously entertain the notion of a preset destiny. How could the two coexist? If we possess the power of choice, how could fate impose its will on our path? The oft-repeated saying, “What God has set for you will be yours,” encapsulates this dilemma, suggesting a predetermined course of events that transcends individual choice and free will. Such a notion implies a fatalistic view where certain outcomes are predetermined, and insusceptible to the influence of our choices.
This tension between free will and destiny forms the crux of my inquiry, prompting me to delve deeper into the intricacies of human existence and the forces that shape our lives.
In the topic surrounding the interplay of free will and destiny, one prevailing perspective poses a deterministic worldview in which all events and actions are perceived as predetermined by fate. According to this viewpoint, human agency is rendered imaginary, as choices are deemed to be merely the unfolding of pre-existing causes and conditions. Under this paradigm, the notion of free will is overshadowed by the inevitable presence of fate.
Conversely, proponents of a more nuanced understanding advocate for the compatibility of free will and destiny. They acknowledge the existence of predetermined elements in our lives, such as the circumstances of our birth, yet assert that within these predetermined parameters, individuals retain the capacity to exercise free will and select their own path. As Victor Frankl highlights in his book, A Man’s Search for Meaning, this perspective underscores the complexity of human agency, asserting that while certain events may be inevitable, our responses to these events remain within the realm of personal choice. In essence, it states that while fate may set the stage, it is our conscious decisions that shape the unfolding drama of our lives, influencing them with meaning and significance.
In my journey of faith, faith in everything that is myself, I have come to realize that everything unfolds according to a divine plan. I see myself not as the architect, but as a messenger. A messenger equipped with certain skills that allow me to live my purpose. However, I had to seek that purpose to find out my true talents. I had to live a life of purpose, seeking the meaning of my existence to understand how to employ my skills to serve a message. It wasn’t until I earnestly sought this purpose, delving into the depths of my existence, that I began to understand how to harness my talents in service of a greater mission.
Sadly, many individuals travel through life without ever pondering their raison d’être. They drift aimlessly, devoid of purpose, never tapping into their innate potential. And in this aimless wandering, they forfeit the chance to discover their true talents, condemning themselves to a life of unfulfilled longing.
Yet, for those who dare to seek their truth, the journey is full of trials and tribulations. There are moments when the weight of the world threatens to crush our spirits, tempting us to abandon our quest. It is during these times of adversity that our faith in ourselves wavers and we question our abilities. But there lies the lesson: It is not the universe that changes our circumstances; it is us. Through the struggles, we will change. The solution to every problem lies in us. It lies in us becoming a different version of ourselves that can change that situation. We become the solution. Those solutions combined define our purpose.
For I believe that: Potential is God’s gift to us. What we do with it is our gift back to God.